An Adventure of our Lifetimes Awaits in Disney’s “Jungle Cruise” with The Hit House’s contribution to the Official Trailer!
Not all expeditions go as planned, but for Disney’s Jungle Cruise, the Official Trailer is an action-packed entertainment laden success! Launched by Dwayne Johnson & a boat full of skippers from The Disneyland Resort’s Jungle Cruise attraction, it gave the perfect introduction for the film arriving in July. The Hit House is proud to have contributed to the trailer & after seeing the final cut, we are ready to go on any journey with The Rock & Emily Blunt!
Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, Jungle Cruise is based on the famous Disneyland theme park ride. This film tells the tale of a legendary Tree of Life that riverboat captain Frank (played by Dwayne Johnson) has been fruitlessly searching for longer than anyone. Smash cut to the fearless Lily Houghton (played by Emily Blunt), a scientist, & her brother McGregor (played by Jack Whitehall), who hire Frank to lead them into the heart of the Amazonian darkness. With the key to the magical tree’s location their expedition seems to hold success within their grasp. A series of misadventures befall the intrepid trio as they battle the dangers of the jungle as well as an evil German expedition with a Uboat! Edgar Ramirez, Jesse Plemons, & Paul Giamatti also star in the film.
Having experienced the ride of Jungle Cruise at Disneyland, & now having seen the Official Trailer for Jungle Cruise, we could not be more excited to watch the whole adventure. Frankly, we’d go anywhere with Emily Blunt & Dwayne Johnson in a heartbeat, but add in the adventure of a wild jungle, a dastardly enemy, & the possibility of a tree that heals? Let’s just say we’ll be there for sure when Jungle Cruise steams into theaters on July 24. Until then, our music studios are here & ready for your next project’s sound design, music supervision, or custom music needs. We just know that any adventure on which we jointly embark will get us all to our destination & end up a smashing success!