Trailer music tracks by composers Scott Lee Miller, William August Hunt, Dan Diaz, Tori Letzler, and Martyn Corbet for The Hit House's orchestral fantasy album, "TALES: Chapter II."


We have heard the whispers of your greatness in the unlit corners of this Urban forest. Townsfolk pass down the mythos of you conquering fortress-like campaigns whilst discovering the mythical four quadrants of Demo-Graphica. The Conquistador of Campaigns they call you.

The path you now walk is treacherous. The road behind is filled with the dreaded Facsimile Feline. The one ahead is unpaved, uncharted and under compensating. Yes friend, we have heard of your legends and the songs that play in your head as you assemble them. Our intrepid band of composers, Scott Lee Miller, William August Hunt, Dan Diaz, Tori Letzler, & Martyn Corbet have brought them to life with “Tales: Chapter II.”

Journey on Traveler, journey on. Whether you be slaying beast, man, or thirty second spot, let us be the melody you hear.

They will one day tell your Tale, Traveler, they will one day sing ours. For your consideration a selection on SoundCloud:
“Puff” – 0:00 – 0:41 by William August Hunt
“Vhagar” – 0:42 – 1:23 by Martyn Corbet
“Morghul” – 1:24 – 1:58 by Scott Lee Miller
“Sunfyre” – 1:59 – 2:31 by Tori Letzler
“Glaurung” – 2:32 – 3:25 by Dan Diaz

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