Wanderer, your journey has been foretold in the ancient scrolls…

As a child, you will fight dragons with nothing but sticks. You will sail to the moon on rockets made of paper.

As your life cycle continues, you will sail to unknown lands on giant metal birds. You will climb mountains made up only of unclaimed dreams stacked thousands of feet high.

Your Life will be ever evolving… Playful & exciting, with “Youth & Spirit.” Terrifying & heart-wrenching, with “Empathy & Wisdom.” & Wonderful, with “Sorcery & Fire.”

To honor your vast span of adventure, The Hit House has crafted “TALES: CHAPTER III,” a fantastical new triple album, by 7 composers: Michael Vincent Rubino, Scott Lee Miller, Jeffrey Hepker, Tori Letzler, Dan Diaz, Jacob Jacobowitz, & William August Hunt. 24 music creations, from Light to Dark, Young to Mature, that span the Magic of the Imagination & the Magic of the World around us.

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