“The Evil Within 2” Official Trailer & E3 Trailer announcement arrived with The Hit House’s cover song arrangement & performance.
Don’t get it twisted, we pride ourselves on having warped minds at The Hit House HQ. But when we got a glimpse at Bethesda Softworks’ Evil Within 2 we knew whatever voices we were hearing were a kid’s playground by comparison. Thus, we embarked on a dark, haunted journey that would become the brightest spotlight yet to fall upon The Hit House as a full spectrum music company.
Tasked by the Nefarious team at Petrol Advertising, our in-house Music Supervisor, Jesse Goodwin, began the hunt for the perfect song to brand the launch. After Duran Duran & Songs Publishing gave a resounding “Hell Yes!” to the idea, sinful composers Scott Lee Miller, William August Hunt, & sound designer Chad J. Hughes dove head first into a world of terror.
Beginning with an interpolation of the famous melody into a top down custom score of the Gameplay & Story trailers, culminating into a massive horror cover for the full Announcement trailer, Bethesda Softworks was able to roll out a surprise announcement Short Film at E3 2017 of this insanely popular macabre franchise.
So, while we have been sleeping here with the lights on for a few months, we are also extremely proud. Grab your favorite security blanket, close one eye, & watch the above to begin your journey through hell.
The latest epic masterpiece from the genius of Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within 2 is the latest evolution of survival horror. The tale begins with you playing as Detective Sebastian Castellanos having lost everything. But when a chance arises to save your daughter, you descent once more into the nether world of STEM, filled with nightmares & the evil beginnings of a former utopia. In it you must survive horrific threats emerging from every place as you choose whether or not to skulk in the shadows & hide to survive or take the battle to the foe with weapons & traps. With one chance at redemption, your only way out is in…
Steel yourself for The Evil Within 2 as it releases worldwide on Friday the 13th, October 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, & PC. Always remember, you won’t cry for yesterday, & you will learn to survive, & The Hit House will be there for you.